Mindy is a licensed clinical therapist and certified clinical trauma professional at Nurture Therapy, providing in-person therapy services at the Chicago office, and online services throughout Illinois and New York. Her areas of focus include transitioning to motherhood and through menopause, life transitions/stressors, mood dysregulation, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, trauma, chronic illness, and grief/loss.
Through trauma-informed care, Mindy utilizes various techniques and modalities of treatment. Her personal experience with miscarriage and postpartum depression have given her a unique perspective and deep compassion for her clients. Mindy is equipped to support her clients in becoming the best version of themselves.
Licensed Clinical Therapist
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Training in EMDR, Narrative, Systems, Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance-Commitment, and Supportive Counseling
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