Jenny is a licensed mental health counselor at Nurture Therapy, providing online therapy services throughout Indiana and Tennessee. Her areas of focus include perinatal anxiety and depression, birth trauma, postpartum OCD, transitioning to motherhood, life transitions/stressors, and anxiety.
Jenny has specialized training in perinatal mental health, and personal experience with birth trauma and loss. This equips her to guide clients through their vulnerabilities, to emotional healing and transition. Jenny recognizes that motherhood can result in a range of emotions and stressors, and she will empower her clients to embrace the journey and regain their sense of self.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Perinatal Mental Health Specialized Training
Training in Cognitive Behavioral and Dialectical Behavior Therapies
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Free Consultation | 1 hour(s) | |
Mental Health Specialist | 1 hour(s) | |