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Hi, Mary!

Thank you for booking consultation with me!

Can’t wait to meet you and {+1 Person Name} on Mon, 24 Oct at 03:00 pm at my Office by address 1391 East Genesee Street, Chicago, 13152

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Have a nice day!

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Jeanine O’Toole

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Jeanine O’Toole
Postpartum Care Day Newborn
Service Radius  15 miles
Experience   9 years


Jeanine attended a Birthways training in 2001 and after a hiatus filled with great opportunities in her music career, returned to Birthways in 2014 as a postpartum doula. Focusing on daytime support, Jeanine brings a strong foundation and ever-deepening knowledge around women’s health and wellbeing, newborn safety and development, and lactation support.

Many in her circle of friends and acquaintances have called on her to visit and answer new parent questions and her experiences working as a private childcare provider over the years lead her to pursue this path of a postpartum doula. Jeanine brings a kind, focused attention to each family she supports, helping identity what will be most impactful now and looking ahead to future milestones.

Jeanine’s warmth puts one at ease and her thoughtful approach ensures that families will get the resources they need. She enjoys tending to the practical needs of meals, laundry, and tidying up. She is fun and creative at engaging the older siblings, and calm and soothing for the newborns and their parents.
In addition to full-term singletons, Jeanine has also cared for premature and medically-fragile infants, fussy babies, and supported older sibling adjustment. She has supported families through the Baby Blues and Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders. Her awareness and sensitivity to each member of the family bring much-appreciated ease and nonjudgment into the home.

I love to empower people to find their own way of parenting, to listen to their newborns and their own instincts. I try to give my wisdom and experience and evidence while seeing and supporting their own journey… The joyful surprise of finding what “works” is a delight for them and me.


WisdomWay Institute’s First Year Specialist/Postpartum Doula Certification
Birthways Core Training: 2001 & 2014
Gold Midwifery Conference
Wisconsin Association of Lactation Consultants (WALC) Breastfeeding Conference

Doulas Packages

Postpartum Care Day Newborn : Finalize Care

Okkanti’s access framework helps pregnant people find their support systems while ensuring fair compensation for doulas. The fees you will pay for postpartum support packages range depending on the number of hours you book. You’ll be informed of your options during your initial consultation, and will sign a contract outlining details before finalizing your booking.

5 hr visit $ 225 per visit 24 visit(s)

$5400 ($2700 due upfront)

Visits Information

Free Consultation 1 hour(s) Video
Postpartum Care Day Newborn 5 hour(s) Home

Service Location

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