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Can’t wait to meet you and {+1 Person Name} on Mon, 24 Oct at 03:00 pm at my Office by address 1391 East Genesee Street, Chicago, 13152

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Ilana Kahn

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Ilana Kahn
Lactation Specialist
Service Radius  15 miles
Experience   6 years


Ilana joined the Birthways Lactation Team in 2017 and provides lactation consultation in-home and virtually to Northshore Chicago families. Ilana’s personal experiences, passion, and training have united her role as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). She also maintains an active status as a Registered Nurse. Ilana looks forward to nurturing new parents and babies in this dynamic relationship and helping each family find what will work best for them.

Ilana earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Maryland School of Nursing after completing a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Touro College in New York. She not only participated in a Community Health Nursing program providing home visits for lower-income pregnant and postpartum women, but she also has clinical experience in Pediatrics and Maternity as part of her education. Ilana spent a few years working on the Postpartum Unit at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, regularly supporting 4-5 new couples over the course of a 12-hour shift. She provided breastfeeding support, as well as newborn and postpartum wellness education and assessment to these new families.

As a mother herself, Ilana knows the value of having strong support systems in place and of reaching out to receive additional assistance and support if challenges or concerns arise. She looks forward to directly nurturing parents and infants through her role as an IBCLC and knows the benefits of patience and encouragement when providing breastfeeding assistance. Rooted in evidence-based practice, research and trends, Ilana is committed to helping you and your baby find your way with breastfeeding.

Ilana is so caring, she’s very passionate about lactation work, and being able to give to the community.

My mom didn’t breastfeed, my friends didn’t breastfeed. Ilana really taught me from A to Z. She was very patient with all my questions, all the time.


International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Registered Nurse

Visits Information

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Lactation Specialist 1 hour(s) Video Home

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